Margaret Place
Plats of Margaret Place over the years
Note: This section is a work-in-progress in preparation for the 100th Anniversary of Margaret Place. Some of the commentary below is speculation subject to verification. Those with answers to questions listed below are encouraged to communicate via e-mail with
Four major plats of the area in and around the current Margaret Place are of interest. All can be found in any Margaret Place home or property abstract.
Long before Margaret and Allen Perkins purchased and lived here, the property was within The Sallier Subdivision.
[to be inserted]
Perkins Homestead
Debakey to Pithon, Griffith Coulee to Wilson
According to the 1914 Sanborn Maps (courtesy of McNeese State University Archives Department), there were only 7 houses in the 2 block area from South Ryan (Now Dr. Michael DeBakey Drive) to the North side of Pithon and from the Griffith Coulee to the opposite side of Wilson (then known as "Allen" Avenue).
It would seem that "Allen" would have been named for Allen Perkins, but his needs to be verified. It would be interesting to find out why the name was changed....why Wilson VS Allen?
Those homes and the start at the creation of an ownership history follows. Residents and former residents are encouraged to submit information to
1914 Sanborn Maps
DeBakey Drive (then S. Ryan)
- No homes
- St. Charles Academy (technical address was probably Ryan but a significant portion of the original building faced S. Ryan (DeBakey)
Four on Grove. Two on the South side and two on the North Side:
- 101 Grove
Texada, 1914
- Moses, 1924
- Nieset, 1974
- Winston
- Webb
- Rasbeary
- 105 Grove
- ?
- Percy
- Gabb
- McCloskey
- Stevens
- 110 Grove
- ?
- Turnbull
- Stevens
- Bowling
- Guidry
- 112 Grove
- Clooney (brother to the fellow who built 101 Pithon, a Landmark House known as The James Clooney House built in 1913.)